Brave Subscription Packages

Our brave digital subscription packages are here. Here's how they could grow your business.

16.02.2021 - by Brendon Doig
In our last blog, we spoke about the need for a smarter digital marketing model. Something affordable, simple and most importantly, effective. This week, we’re proud to launch our brave digital subscription packages, in the hope that we can make industry-leading digital available and accessible to small businesses. Wondering if one would be right for you? Here’s a bit of background on what these are, who could benefit and how you can get one.
Brave subscriptions

The old agency model is tired. You need a piece of work done. You request it. Receive a quote. Job done. Then what? This transactional thinking may be fine for one-off suppliers, but if you’re doing digital marketing right, it’s not a once-off scenario. Your marketing strategy should be always-on, growing and adapting with your business to power your continued success. This got us thinking. What if we could provide clients with an incredible website and digital marketing support in one package? Better yet, what if this package didn’t cost the earth, but could be managed over a subscription period, with all the benefits that come with a longer relationship, like growth and continued support?

Enter our brave digital subscription packages. For an affordable monthly payment, you get exactly that. An industry leading web or ecommerce site, hosting and support and all the add-ons you need to ensure your continued success.

How do they work?

So how do they work? Simple really. Just visit our subscription page and choose from the option that best suits you. Alternatively, you can get in touch and we’ll guide you through the selection process. Once you’ve found the right package, we’ll get to work planning your site and strategy, keeping you in the loop each step of the way. In a matter of weeks, you’ll have a high-performing online presence and digital strategy to start working for you immediately, while you manage the payments affordably over time. We provide you with monthly analytics and optimisation and provide you with the support you need to make digital marketing a business strength and point of confidence.

Who would they benefit?

So who would benefit? We’ve crafted these specifically for small to medium businesses, but they would suit anyone looking to elevate their digital presence and grow their business intelligently. We are in an unprecedented time. We recently wrote a blog on why digital marketing is the smartest bet, and bang for your buck when it comes to keeping business alive and thriving during and after Covid-19. It’s an essential part of any marketing strategy and with the shifts we have experienced even in the last seven weeks, your business needs to be set up to prosper in the digital space. But this is also costly. These packages were created to remove barriers and make the essential accessible. Put simply, for businesses looking to grow while managing funds and cashflow responsibly, this is a no brainer.

So go through the following checklist:

  • Could my website be improved?
  • Could I improve my digital marketing strategy to grow my business?
  • Could I better set up my business online for the period ahead?
  • Would I benefit from greater confidence in digital marketing?
  • Would I benefit from additional support?
  • Am I unhappy with my current agency or situation?

If you answered yes to any of these, our subscription package could be exactly what you need to elevate your business.

Getting started

Ready to get started or want to learn more? You can view our subscription packages here. You can also check out our work with our amazing partners in a range of industries. If your situation is unique, we’re also more than happy to tailor a package that fits. Just give us a call and we can chat through your options.

At a time like this, there’s nothing more valuable than support, collaboration and a commitment to shared growth. Through this offering, we hope to be able to offer that to the businesses that need it most and create brave new futures together.

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