eCommerce Web Design Trends

When the internet became a public resource in 1991, the ability to buy and sell online soon followed.

07.10.2020 - by Luke Doig
The digital space is saturated. With countless brands and businesses competing online for attention, a flawless ecommerce site is the difference between being seen and ignored.

As a business owner, you might think your website is up to scratch, but how does it compare to others today?
Mobile and handheld screens have changed how ecommerce sites are reached and explored, so a modern, responsive online store is essential. We took a look at ecommerce website design trends, to provide you with design inspiration to improve your online shopping experience.

Simplicity is a growing trend in 2019. Designers across different mediums have taken a leaf from Marie Kondo’s book, sparking joy by embracing simplicity and removing clutter. This trend has influenced commerce web design, where a user experience based around simplicity is keeping people engaged.

This even extends to photography, where vintage styles are becoming popular, in response to the abundance of high definition content. Experts suggest a seamless user experience with few interruptions, clear navigation and information.

Micro Interaction

Micro interactions are small interactions between a user and a commerce site. They help guide the process, keep users engaged and inform them when they complete a task. This is helpful and similar to a physical retail store, provides a more human browsing experience.


The robots are taking over! Well, not really. But Chatbots are changing the way we interact with brands in a big way.

Chatbots can help users interact with brands, through social media, mobile devices or desktop. From answering questions, to sourcing products, as artificial intelligence develops Chatbots will only improve and their use increase.


Video content is essential. Long scrolling and heavy reading can cause users to lose attention. Video keeps users engaged and is great for visual storytelling.

The majority of video is consumed without sound. A Hubspot survey also found 81% of consumers were convinced to buy a product after watching a video. Brands are finding innovative ways to use video to make their ecommerce sites appealing and informative.


Asymmetry is a design element that sets you apart. With popular templated websites available, many ecommerce sites look similar.

Having logos, titles or content off-centre helps to add novelty to the page. This catches eyes and gives brands a point of difference. All great things for encouraging engagement and sales on your commerce website.

Material Design

Material design is a Google design language with cue-rich features and natural motions that mimic real-world objects. It considers typography, grids, space, scale, color, and use of imagery, creating a more tactile experience.

Since it’s deployment by Google, many businesses are using Material Design to keep users engaged.

This is just a start. With trends always changing, maintaining relevance and tailoring your ecommerce site to your audience is the best way to succeed

From Mountain Jade to Sothys, we’ve created ecommerce sites for our clients that engage customers and drive sales. Ready to improve yours? Explore these trends or give us a call to see how we can help.

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