What Does Website Design Cost?

Bring your brand back to life through digital graphic design.

14.06.2021 - by Dhani Hermanta
A question we often get asked is "how much does small business website design cost?". This is something most small business owners will be wondering as they look to bring their businesses into the online space by investing in a quality website, or upgrading an existing one.
This is a hard question to answer because ideally, your website should be tailored to you. Web design cost will depend on the size of your business, the nature of it, whether you plan to sell online, the features you require... the list goes on. The scale ranges from basic DIY Squarespace jobs, to professionally designed websites with innovative web design elements, custom UX and an online experience that works cohesively with your brand.
Put simply, website cost can range from a thousand dollars to tens of thousands and in making the right call, it’s important to know what exactly you’re paying for and that you’re getting your money’s worth.

The Web Design Process
The web design process while varying in complexity based on the scope of the website, is generally similar. To create a website, you need to go through essential steps include planning and scoping before building your website. Here are some of the key steps that can affect the cost to build your website:
Goal Setting

This involves working with the client to understand objectives, the brand and business so the function of the website can be determined.


Scoping occurs after determined and involves mapping out the project, the requirements of the build and the timeline for completing the website.

Sitemap and Wireframe Creation

With this in place, a sitemap is created. This defines the layout of the website, how the information will flow, the features, content and how the site will be navigated.

Content Creation

With the site mapped out, we start creating content. This involves a copywriter and a production team if necessary to capture visual content. The written content needs to be created with SEO in mind, meaning well planned, well written and effective in ranking your website in search.


With the website laid out and effectively showcasing your brand and business, testing takes place to ensure the site is functioning effectively. This is also an opportunity to refine and make any final changes before the website is completed.


Finally, the website is deployed. This will include setting up web hosting and will leave you with a functioning website designed to grow your business.

Ongoing Maintenance

Websites need to live and grow meaning they often aren’t set and forget scenarios. It is ideal to partner with competent website builders to help with ongoing maintenance, online marketing, or choose a CMS (content management system) that makes content management simple and able to be achieved conveniently by yourself.

This is a very simple overview, but should give you an indication of the complexity of a website build. This varies dramatically - a simple one pager vs a complex eCommerce website with thousands of products.

Website Packages
So what should you do?

Going back to this key question, we found things to be a lot tougher for small business owners than they should be. Business owners were either paying too much, paying for features they didn’t need, or being priced out of what they did, settling for poor-quality websites that date as soon as they’re deployed.

This was the inspiration behind our solution: Brave Subscription Packages.

From a stunning website to digital strategy, content, development, support and hosting, we provide clients access to ‘round the clock digital guidance and support in a tailored package and affordable, monthly subscription service.

Each small business website design package is customised, meaning we work with you to understand your business requirements and budget to provide a unique solution perfectly suited to your growth.

The packages can include:

  • Digital marketing strategy
  • Digital marketing subscription
  • Web design
  • eCommerce Website creation
  • Development and Hosting
  • Content creation
  • Support and management
  • Add-ons (Copywriting, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Google Adwords, Email Marketing)
  • Social media strategy
  • Reporting and measurement

Whether you require a visually rich business hub like our partner Create + Construct to showcase your service, or an eCommerce store like our partner Mountain Jade, we tailor a solution to you as needed, while making it affordable enough to be an asset to your business, not a liability.

So as you can see, website design has levels of complexity. The answer to the question "what does website design cost?" depends entirely upon you, what your goals are, what business you’re in and the business you hope to have in future.

If you’re on the fence, unsure or simply looking to explore your options, give us a call to speak to one of our website design Auckland team members. We’re happy to offer free advice about website development and chat to you about your options.

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